
Monday, August 14, 2017

Our Youtube Channel is LIVE!!


The moment we have been waiting for for a long ass time!

Remember that Youtube channel I've been talking about for soooooooooooooooooo long?

It's really actually happened.

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Saturday, August 5, 2017

Burn for Burn by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian -- A Review

Burn for Burn by Jenny Han and Siobhan Vivian

Summary: Three not friends team up to take revenge on some people in their lives that screwed them over.  
2 Stars

This.....This book....Doesn't have anything going for it. Literally nothing...The like portion of this review is going to be super hella short.
What I liked about this book:

 The font was big and I could read it really quickly.

The chapters were really short.


That's it. That is literally everything I liked about this book. 

What I didn't like about this book:

The Characters:  There was nothing good or interesting about any of these characters. They had no personalities, or they were just annoyingly bitchy. All the kinds of people I hated in high school. Maybe that's why I didn't like them. Because I'm too old for the BS of catty high school-ness. But even the main characters (minus Mary) were bad and uninteresting. Kat was the "oh I'm too cool for everything" character that was just kinda lame. She wasn't bad ass at all. She was just annoying. and Lillia? Wet. Blanket. Literally no personality. She was the, "hey guys...I don't think this is a good idea..." character.  I just wasn't a fan of her.

The setting was actually kind of interesting, but doesn't get to go into the "like" section because it was just a place full of rich people. As much as I was interested in Jar Island, the last thing I wanted to read about was people who are really rich and spoiled and massively entitled. I live in a tourist area where people move back to for the summer and I see this shit every day. Pass.

The Plot Twist/Ending: So....this is what did it for me. The pacing wasn't the speediest thing ever, but I was holding out for the twist. The thing that had kept me reading even though I had wanted to DNF it after 10%...I believe it was Regan from PeruseProject on Youtube that mentioned it, but there was a super interesting, super different, plot twist at the end of the novel. Something that made it go from a simple contemporary about revenge to...well something different. I'm really not sure if I want to say what kind of twist, but let's just say.....I struggled though this book to see this twist happen and find out that it was the shittiest thing EVER! Like it was already done...first in book form and then in movie form...and MUCH more successfully, if I may say. Like...Holy shit. I waited for that!?!?! That was the only reason I kept reading....For. That. Piece of shit. Ending? Nope. I literally cannot believe that was the ending they came up with and that they thought, "Yeah. That's alright." How did they think that ending was ok? I don't know what book two or three will be about...and quite frankly I don't care.

So needless to say, this book is being immediately unhauled.  You can't like them all...It wasn't for me at all. I wanted to like it, as I've like Jenny Han's other works...but maybe it was the co-writing. Who knows. Maybe it was the hope of an amazing twist...I was over hyped for it. Meh.

If you liked my review or agreed, please leave a comment or follow me on Blogger! Stay current with what I'm reading by following/friending me on my Goodreads!