
Thursday, January 30, 2014

January Wrap-up!! January is over...I felt like this month super dragged....I felt like it was almost done, and then it was still only the first week....And it still feels like it should be in the middle of February. -___-'' I'm so confused....Ah well...Well on to the wrap-up!!

I finished three books this month. I actually did better than I thought I was going to. Red Branch by Morgan Llywelyn took up most of my time. The book was really good, but it was a bit slow going. Probably because of all the foreign words...Celtic/Old Irish names are hard...Haha! But the book was really good.

I then devoured Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas.....This book....My glob....this book.....It is now probably my favorite series as of right now.....It's sooo good....I like....Legitimately went through withdrawal. I missed the world and the characters, and I want to find out more about Celaena. She's probably my most favorite female character ever. I have the next book Crown of Midnight, which I haven't hauled yet, and I'm just the happiest duck ever.

And lastly, last night I finished Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson. Another freaking fabulous fantasy novel. I laughed, cried, yelled, cheered and was dumbfounded. So many emotions and I loved all of them. The characters are so wonderful and the world is beautifully written. I have the rest of the series in the mail and I can't wait to read them.

So, first major thing, I have read three fantasy books! Yay!!! I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooo proud of myself!!! I had been wanting to try fantasy for a long time.  I'm finding that not all fantasy books are daunting and awful.....I mean, I have always liked the idea of's just some are so confusing...when you find one that's really good and well written...they are wonderful. I regret not reading more sooner...I DID IT, MOM!!

This is the first book I will be reading for February. City of Bones by Cassandra Clare.  I started it yesterday, but I only got through the first chapter before I passed out. Too many feels to deal with and I wasn't 100% sold on the first chapter either. I felt like things happened way too fast and though I appreciated the action right wasn't very good action. But everyone really seems to love this series, so I'm going to try not to judge it based on the first chapter.

Until next time mes amies!~

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Throne of Glass~ The REVIEW!!~~

Synopsis: Throne of Glass is about an assassin named Celaena Sardothien. She has been sent to the salt mines, a prison, for her crimes until she is freed by the crowned prince to fight in a competition tobecome the King's Champion.  The world has lost its magic and is now filled with corruption, dangers and a new threat. As something starts to kill off her competitors, Celaena has to find out who is killing everyone while fighting to win her freedom.

I. Loved. This. Book. I devoured it. I had first heard about this book on Regan's Youtube Channel PeruseProject. She raved about this book so much...I needed it....So when my Japanese club went to Chicago for a trip, I looked frantically for a Barnes and Noble. I was sad that I had to wait as long as I did to read it, but it was totally worth it. It was a page turner and had my interest from the first sentence. The characters are so interesting and Celaena is hilarious!! She is my spirit animal. Like if I was athletic, we'd be the same person. Both sarcastic, love to read, love frilly clothes and have the same eye and hair color. Also, we think a lot of the same things. In one part she mentions skinning a guy and I remember thinking, "Oh my gosh!!! I've threatened someone with that!!" (and now you all are probably scared...oh well..I'm a violent person. XD I just don't follow through with it. Haha)

The world that Sarah J Maas has created is really fantastic. I love all of it. It actually kind of felt...homey to me. Is that weird? Probably. I just love everything about this book. The love triangle in this book is also fantastic. It's not one of those in your face kind of things, which I usually find kind of annoying. I love the interaction between the characters in the triangle as well. 

I guess this book was mostly world building..which in retrospect, it was. But I loved the world, so I guess I didn't really notice it too much. The second book, Crown of Midnight, which I have coming in the mail, is supposed to be even better than this book......I CAN'T WAIT!!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Also, I heard that this is supposed to be a seven book my gosh....I'm so excite!!!!

I give this book 5/5 stars on Goodreads
Well, until next time!~ Probably with my January wrap-up!
Tootles!~ <3 

Regan's channel:


Friday, January 24, 2014

January Book Haul...part 2?

Sooooooo I got some points from my Opinion Outpost and I bought some books from Amazon. Also, I had money left over from Christmas, and made an extra purchase. Oops!~ Hahaha! I am actually planning on making another order soon because I NEED to get Crown of Midnight by Sarah J Maas....I am going nuts!!! >___< But anyways....let's get into the haul!!

Pathfinder by Orson Scott Card: I am sooooooooooo mad this didn't come with a dust jacket!! >___< I made sure that it said it would come with one and it didn't...RAWR. But that's ok...I suppose...I heard about this book from Regan's channel on She LOVES this series, so hopefully I will too. If I do, I might try to get this with the jacket. (Revision: I put in a picture with the cover just in case)

Behemoth by Scott Westerfeld: I finally got book 2!! One penny!!! Yay!! I am not the biggest fan of the series, but I am curious enough to be excited to have this book! XD

I also got Goliath by Scott Westerfeld~ I decided I should just pick up the last one while I was at it. (is it really weird that I was excited that all my books were ex-library books and match because they all have that plastic stuff on them?) I will be finishing this series this year as part of my challenge! Yay!

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness: Another book Regan from PeruseProject raves about. I have been wanting this book for quite some time, and now I have it! Weeeeee! I'm so excited!

Princeps' Fury by Jim Butcher: In my last haul I showed that I bought the Codex Alera series...but I was missing a book. As you can see, I bought it! 1 penny on amazon! Whoop whoop!! Go me! I really want to get into this series!~ I'm REALLY enjoying my fantasy books right now!~ I cleaned out my TBR jar of anything that wasn't that bad? Meh.

Well that's everything...for now. I was bad and got a few more books...After I get the last one in the mail, I will do a part 3. After that, NO MORE BOOKS!! Probably. Hahahaha! Bad Moriah *Self-scoldy face* Anyways, I'll see you next time!~ Tootles!!

My goodreads:
Regan's Channel:

Monday, January 13, 2014

Red Branch--A Review!~

This book....Oh my goodness....This book. I was so reluctant to start it...I'm soooooooooo glad I did. I had been interested in Celtic Mythology for quite some time, but my knowledge of it is pretty non-existent. So my friend Sheri, who lives in Scotland, suggested I try out Morgan Llywelyn. I found it for 1 cent on and it's been sitting on my shelf for....a year or so? I regret it sitting there for so long! >___<

Synopsis: (this is from the back of the book) In ancient Erin, the line between the perceived world and the Otherworld sometimes faded away, and then people said gods walked the earth. One such, it was rumored, had fathered the silver-eyed boy Setanta (Shay-tahn-tah)-and when Setanta became a man and the battle rage seized him, he was indeed like a god, a terrible god of destruction. They called him Cuchulain (Koo-hul-in), the dreaded Hound of Ulster.

This is actually quite a complex story. Not only do we follow the story of Setanta, we also learn the story of Deirdre, the most beautiful woman in Ulster, who is prophesied to bring ruin to Ulster. Also we learn of the curses brought upon Emain Macha, (Ev-in Mah-ha) the main city in this story, and how the goddess Macha cursed the city to suffer birthing pangs every time they enter into an epic battle (which is hilarious). Also in this story, we see the duality between the Cuchulain "beast" and the sweet, fun loving Setanta. I have to say....Setanta/Cuchulain is a-freakin'-dorable. He's so playful and fun loving and he's terrified of women! There is a scene where he's just comes back from an epic battle where he uses the Rage and the king is worried that he will still be in beast mode. So he sets up a line of naked women at the gates so that when Setanta sees them he totally loses his battle rage and goes into full blown shy/blushy/look away mode. It was so cute! He is such a great character and Morgan Llywelyn just makes it so easy to love him.

I absolutely love Morgan Llywelyn's writing style. She writes so colorfully, I felt like I was in ancient Erin. Her characters are so loveable and well written and the humor she uses is fantastic. I tagged so many places in this book with post-its just because she made me hard core laugh out loud. She also got me so attached to all of the characters, that when something happened to them (be it a struggle or a death), you totally felt for them. I cried a few times...Shamelessly. Also I loved that she tried to keep as close to the original mythology as possible. She did so much research and that makes me love the story more (for some reason). There is even a bibliography in the back.

All in all, I loved this book and this author. I really loved the writing style and the new knowledge I gained about Celtic Myths. I have another book on my shelf, Druids, by her, and I am very excited to read that book as well. I would suggest this book to anyone who is interested in adult fantasy or Celtic mythology. I really hope you guys pick this book up!~

5/5 stars on Goodreads
My Goodreads:
This book on

I should be finishing up Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas either today or tomorrow, so you can expect to see my thoughts on that soon!~ Until next time my dears!~ XXX

Sunday, January 5, 2014

December/January Book Haul

Hello again!! Two posts in one day....Dang!! I'm on fire! XD So I finally was able to go book shopping with my grandpa, so I have my book haul for December and January (Decemuary? Decembuary?? Haha!). I had a really hard time finding the books that I wanted....It seems that because I'm so far behind with everything that's popular, I can't find them anymore....I was really sad and frustrated by that...But, I did find some books that I needed to finish series and books that I just wanted in general. ^^ It was a good book buying day anyways~

I have been watching a LOT of Booktube videos on Youtube, and I get especially excited when I see Regan from Peruse Project has posted a video. I have been really craving some good fantasy. If you have watched her channel, at all, you would know she is OBSESSED with the Codex Alera Series by Jim Butcher. This is the first book in the series, Furies of Calderon. So when I was at Half Price Books, and I saw that they had them there, I grabbed all 4 of them (I didn't realize there was 6 of them me....). But EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I'm so excite! XD

This was one of the two books I got in December. I was at a thrift store with my mom waiting for my orthodontist appointment to start and I found a used copy of The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan and I "squee'd" out loud. XD Hahaha! I only have the last book in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, so yay!~ Go me!! *self high five*

 And this was the second book I found! The Sea of Monsters! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! 'Nuff said.

Book two in the Codex Alera series!~ Academ's Fury <3 <3 <3

Book 4, Captain's Fury!~ Codex Alera!! Whoop whoop! I thought I was done though......I's smert.

Book 3, Cursor's Fury (.....I know I's out of order.....but I'm too lazy to rearrange it....XP)

Book three in the Song of Ice and Fire series!~ A Storm of Swords by George R. R. Martin. Weeeee!! I have only read A Game of Thrones, so I need to get to gettin'.

And then I found book 4, A Feast for Crows! Yay!! I just need the 5th one. They didn't have it at Half Price Books.

I didn't really plan on picking this book up. This is The Warrior Heir by Cinda Williams Chima. I know Regan touched on this series a little bit, so when I saw it at Barns and Noble, I thought, "Oh, Regan talked about that book". Then I saw the "Autographed Copy" sticker and I was like, *snatch* "My book." XD So yay!! Another fantasy series for my 2014 challenge!~

This WAS one of the books I planned on picking up!~ The Demon King by Cinda Williams Chima. Regan loves this series as well, and the cover was really cool in person, so I picked it up!!!

And ANOTHER book Regan likes. Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson. I HATE THIS COVER THOUGH!!!!! It's such a stereotypical fantasy book cover......UGH!!! I really like the white ones she has......argh....But Regan raves about this series and I want to try it out as well! (revision: I still like the white UK covers, but these cover have grown on me. I now LOVE crappy fantasy covers. Just saying)

I noticed in the car as I was going through my books that I had gotten and I noticed that I was missing two books from the Codex Alera series....I was soooooo annoyed!! But then BOOM! There it was in hardcover, at the Goodwill down the street from Half Price Books...What are the chances?!  Book 6, First Lord's Fury. I "Eeeee'd" out loud and scared a customer. XD My grandpa, who doesn't read, was like, "Is that one of the books you are missing? How cool is that!?" I was shocked he even recognized it. XD Yes, I am a bit annoyed that it doesn't match my other paperbacks and yeah, I still need the 5th one...but YAY! There is nothing like randomly finding a book you need when you least expect it!~ ^^

And this....Lover Unleashed by J. R. Ward. I did not expect to buy this. I can never find this book, in hardcover, EVER. So I found it at Half Price Books and was very happy. They had the other two books there I needed, but I was so excited that I had found this, I didn't pick up the other two......................I'M SUCH A DOOFUS!!!!!!!!! *face table*

That's all I have!~ I spent about $40 on all the books I got, which is AWESOME!! 13 I think I'm going to put the rest in the bank and order the ones I couldn't find off well......I need them, and I don't want to hunt for them...Rawr. You all can expect reviews on these books as soon as I get them read. I will talk to you all later!~ Hugs and kisses!~

My Goodreads:
Regan's Youtube Channel: